Public Space

Street, architectural, ornamental, festive, sports
public lighting offers safety and comfort,
creates identity, affiliation and beautifies the city.

Public Space

Regulated and standardized, non-discriminatory urban facility,
participates in the development of local communities
and represents a connectivity factor.

In a regulated market, we chose:

Professional rigor

Instead of the lowest price, we have focused on differentiating by quality, speed and responsibility

Public lighting in FLS


FLS in the academic and professional world:
– member of the Romanian National Committee for Lighting (CNRI), of the Public Services Employer (PSP)
– Founding member of the Romanian Lighting Association (ARI)

Resources and competencies


ANRSC 1st Class License
ANRE Authorizations: B, C1A, C2A
Authorized electricians
Lighting specialists
Lighting designers

Public lighting management


> 75,000 lighting fixtures managed by concession contracts
2001-2018: 10 SIP concession contracts for large cities in Romania


SR EN 13201

Compliance with the standard in lighting is not optional for us.
We measure, compute, rethink, confirm.

Science, art, profession


Public lighting is not about projectors, lighting fixtures and poles,
but about Light, People, Environment.
We care, we like it and we know how.

Street lighting

SR EN 13201 provides all the necessary conditions for correct lighting on the roads for all types of road users

Pedestrian, velo

Pedestrians and cyclists need special lighting conditions for their reserved roads.


Sense, style, identity, perspectives, connections, non-invasive, are some of the dimensions of our architectural lighting projects.


Parks, markets, pedestrian access, water surface, urban furniture, as well as many other reasons for ornamentation through light.


From time to time, cities tell stories with light about themselves or about their dear ones.


Sport is not just a dictum or a fun. It’s a serious deal for us to provide the best light for both athletes and spectators.